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Showing posts from 2019

Advice to 25 year old me....

  As I celebrate another year of life I honestly found myself conflicted and not really in the mood to celebrate. If you know me I'm usually yelling "Milantober" all month long. 😅 But here we are it's my birthday and I feel completely different.... Is this what growing up feels like?   I'll give y'all a little background before we jump right into this.. 24 started rough... AF! I was working a job I HATED ! If there was any way for y'all to hear me screaming.. Just know I screamed that like Tokyo Toni and I was ready to get  TF ASAP ! Ya girl was tired mentally, physically, and spiritually. I was through! But I had to stay faithful... so I started trying to be on time for work and actually being mentally present while I was there and that didn't work. 😂 I got written up at work and I was like you know what... I don't have to deal with this! So I started planning my exit with no job offer. A lot of people told me not to but my spirit was h